
Monday, November 28, 2016

Vegan MoFo 2016 Day 28 - Vegan Leftovers Again

Hey MoFo Friends!  Happy Day 28!  I didn’t think I would have another leftover post but I just have to share.  The corn pudding thickened up and was even better as a leftover.  OMG – it truly is amazing.  This leftover bowl of mashed potatoes, stuffing, my “chicken” gravy and the corn pudding were amazing.  I can’t believe the Vegan MoFo is almost over.  Just two more days!  


  1. I guess Thanksgiving for you is like Christmas for me - the promise of leftovers is almost better than the original meal!

  2. I totally agree. I love both Thanksgiving and Christmas leftovers!

  3. That looks like quite the delicious bowl; Thanksgiving leftovers are always great! :)
